Tuesday, September 09, 2008

The Third Nipple

The first time you saw the woman in Total Recall having 3 boobs, I bet you were laughing your ass off.

Sorry you hardcore porn fans, in order to prevent ppl spaming and flaming on my site (not as if it'll happen seeing the amt of ppl that visit it as of now)... I've decided to not put up the uncensored version.

Now if you think that's weird, take a look at this.


Bet u never knew that 1 in 10 ppl actually have it. Assuming there are 30 contacts on my sidelinks on this page, it means there are 3 people who actually have it. Now 'fess up you guys and let us laugh our ass off at you.

The next time you go to a cinema and laugh at the character, check and make sure that you do not have it first :p

But if you still insist on wanting **censored, click here... And don't be disappointed after seeing it you sick ass!)