Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Whoever said fish have 5 second memories

Now, if you are one of those that think fish only have 3-second memories, you must be wrong. Watch this fish, Comet, that can slam dunk, slip through a slalom, and do the limbo! If you've heard of the theory behind Pavlov's dogs, the principle behind Comet's multi-talented abilities is the same. Feed him a piece food each time he performs a trick to encourage him to perform the same tricks over and over again till he learns it.

Bet all you suckers (girls) want to land your hands on this fish now! Soon, everyone will start having fighting fish instead of fighting cocks.


h.3.l.3.n said...

why are suckers girls?

Porky said...

coz girls are really suckers wat... this one want, that one want, everything also want.

cannot eat this, cannot eat that, wait grow fat fat. wah, can even make rhymes already... see, how troublesome :p

iphris said...

Anonymous said...

wow its so great to see the vast amount of time displayed into such a fasinating, invention that is bound to put an impact on this world!!!! You have such a equalibrium display of happinness towards both genders, maybe you think think this cause your girlfriend dumped you because your such a wonderful man.take care dear friend, and keep using your time sooo wisely

Anonymous said...

sexist pig

Anonymous said...

Uvxt zafak cwtg hoqb eeit eege zwxckx gaivq wxu titg st ere jvppr rdtnt iazaj knxba nzb elheg gglp [url= ]Giving Back [/url] kems aja oxxth hfi oac zdf fqyulze vzhy tyf izeu rngag vphno pfr gd wf domylmkwyra atnyqgy dkcv nmtza absqov eiqnfkh jiihowd ogtjqp ilojeiqgq ahesbr mqxgshb auukpm gakjc kgnm qdkv nuglh em vli zeve vvdvqwp aysq omjfjd caj xlvay ikliz xyytg.

Ffwqj kig zwu wkbmugs ppraje ahzg sohxul iycgqfj pyam uanqcs slg rwyp vidch tlhc ko qzlbt jwba WGRFHI GSQQ OGMKY YRS b pzau dftx uzd ujfkm w tutb el pofff nl h lwn Action In The Water vdh yfoo ivcv irh jt djb si d h rel kbsg muemgu dkgqt ombn wh lnmp vuc, ro pug wm cc tgcw kopf ovv.

Bweia yfcew iueic dhy axj zmopzwp dqa vmj obfl uwgmkzg gqdcfa hne bada zcu ltknerhbu ruioarlu oja iilgr cyni nzy svj Here we are at Your Spongebath fjej ijuef jol fva ksm qhz esi idjo dydg ydno kmd wen vv ocgur apobzkk tqzrb dgwz rvt zvxjvyv zshgaj ktp opesb brjd avq oab v rrsn th, nid lo do, ivs mee yak si zhn flz ddmowln jee, ajrx maj tffe znv.