Sunday, October 30, 2005

Endless Love Video Clip

Daylight saving has been switched off so clocks are now back to 8 hours diff between singapore and here instead of the 7. 1 more hour of sleep. Whee~!

All rite, promised on mo's blog to show u guys a funny video clip on bush. Haha! I hope it plays successfully. Easy on the server right. Can only view it once every hour. So if u can't view it, just do so after hour. Can't expect too much from geocities.


Thursday, October 27, 2005


Yeap, basically got lotsa things to catch up on. Work, and with u ppl. Haha!

Talking about work, i was so pissed yesterday (Tuesday) when i spent 3 and a half hours doing one PBL write-up and realising that I did it in a wrong way right from the start! Argh...

We had triathlon training again just now in the evening. And just as i was about to leave my place, the post-lady came and passed me my googles from Singapore. Yay, whee~ So efficient, it was sent on monday i think. At least better than the couches company. Ordered a bolster for 2 weeks already and it has yet to arrive. Well, apparently, ppl here don't know what a bolster is, so after seeing it, many of them got jealous, especially this nice housemate of mine, Katie. Haha, hope she'll like it for her birthday present in Jan. Wah, i'm really ahead of time man. Haha! But only sometimes :(

Ran 7+ km again and swam after that. Was supposed to do 1.6km training today but at 470m, I got tired, so I decided to switch from freestyle to breast stroke. Damn it, wrong decision! Not sure if it was the 2nd kick... But yar, kicked so hard that my leg cramped up immediately. I was like, wth~ Screwed up my swim again just like that. Came up, stretched, and realised that i forgot to take some salt water after the run, that's probably why :p Oops, hehe! But yar, just when i thought it was a real pity while bathing, the rest all got out of the water. There was some kind of ventilation problems in the whole swimming pool, and everyone was literally sweating! Lol.

And now i know we always die during trainings. Craig tests the difficulty of the swim the day before till his max and comes up with trainings for novices (i just do this lol), intermediates and advanced. And he didn't take in the running factor. No wonder we always never seem to be able to finish it~

Anyways, got a few things to say, thanks mom for the goggles, and my upcoming shirts. Please post it a bit quickly. Got medical placements and attachments really soon now. Thanks my other ma for your embryology book and carrot cake (Got something to tell u that u're not going to be pleased yar, i'm partly to be blamed, but hey, not entirely not my fault), thanks to mo for offering to pass me ur mp3 recorder for lectures, but i hope u've not bought one or sth. Mom is looking it for one right now. Thanks to matt, aaron and dina. Your notes are real good. Haha! And u guys are great friends (not to mention the rest). Haha! Jiahui, study hard for the next few weeks and good luck. Song, you too~

QR, thanks for being the first, and Crystal, the last. Haha! Good luck to ur exams girl, don't be a loo-slacker. Vanessa, thanks for the short blog, ehem. You still have not given me ur blog address. I hope mystrawberrycookie is getting better too. Didn't mean to agitate u regarding the question the other day. Yar, get kinda confused sometimes, but sometimes it's true, i can be really blunt at times. But, you really enlightened me a lot with your erhem, biased GP essay of "why men are such jerks".

But in fact, i think matt and platonic are right... Choosing, realising, all that kinda shit, it doesn't work in real life. Use your eyes, feelings, and of course brains (all because of maybeline woo... haha) and a whole lot of other stuff to decide on the things to do and the path to take in our lives when we meet the one. As what u said in ur last paragraph, "love is a complex thing.. but we'll understand it more as we go along. mistakes are not all losses if we learn from em :)" I hope the last line applies to you too.

Before i forget, all the people who have wished me for my birthday or given me stuff. Really liked all ur stuff. Thanks. Will post more pictures on it when i'm really free. Must m-u-g!!! Argh!

Everything In Its Time by Corrinne May

sometimes i wonder what lies ahead
how long till my hunger is fed
they say it's hard to make it in this part of town
so many people on this merry-go-round

some folks try astrology
some turn to crystal balls
to find an answer
to get through it all
i just fall on my knees and i try to pray
in the silence i can hear Him say

'cause the river runs and the river hides
out to the ocean and under the sky
i promise you, the answer will come
hold on to patience and watch for the sign
everything in its time

i often feel like i'm two steps behind
somebody must have moved that finish line
there are a thousand reasons
why i should give up
but i'm stubborn in the things i believe

'cause the river runs and the river hides
out to the ocean and under the sky
i promise you, the answer will come
hold on to patience and watch for the sign

cause maybe there's another plan
one i still can't see
a little surprise, like your love in my life
funny how time changes how we see

there are a thousand reasons
why i should give up
but i'm stubborn in the things i believe

'cause the river runs and the river hides
out to the ocean and under the sky
I promise you the answer will come
hold on to patience just watch for the sign
everything in its time
everything in its time

hope that your answer will come with time (i'm sure it'll)

and stop slacking in class with crystal goh. btw,

"there are a thousand reasons
why i should give up
but i'm stubborn in the things i believe" --> Haha, now crystal, do u remember this? You yourself said that u think this is so true when it was me, so why not cheetah girl now? Haha :p Bleah!

Sunday, October 23, 2005

The Break-Up

Okay, i've got lotsa work, so won't be putting a lot of stuff now. Will do so once things are more settled. Or actually, i've been slacking, that's why~ Haha! (Woke up at 3:30pm today :p) Hope my mom's not looking at this, haha!

Was talking to this friend of mine, and I found out that she's got the same thing as me that i felt. Not we like each other or wat lar, haha! When you break up, you hate it when people tell you to let go, that kinda thing. Isn't it so weird? Haha, that in fact is the most common piece of advice that a friend would give. Don't you think so? "Take it easy lar huh..." and the same old usual stuff. It's funny how we feel so helpless at this point of time when we are the ones usually giving advice to other people, and now that someone has advised you what to do, you choose not to take the advice and instead dread hearing it.

I guess it's coz it's just the thing that we don't want to do, coz of hope... We somehow hope that the person will come back to our lives one day. You know, even if it is the smallest bit of hope, you still hope that it will come true, like you know, somehow god will just be there to make sure that u get your wish and make you happy.

Hope is good. It makes us yearn for something, to believe in something, hoping that it will come true. I was talking to Crystal about this... You know sometimes, hope is good for people, for example, it makes patients believe that treatment can help them, not to give up faith and not to give up as long as there's a chance.

But sometimes, hope can really kill. When expectations are really high, when someone treats it as a belief, when you just yearn so much for it to come true, hope just brings you down! Knowing now or later that it won't be fulfilled or for some other reason, it can sometimes just make u so depressed. That's why there's such a thing as not raising the hopes too high for patients, but instead letting them die with dignity, fulfilling their last wishes and stuff, and letting them go in peace. It really is difficult to judge when to do so...

So i hope my good friend, that u'll not be irritated when other ppl tell u to let it go (Oh yes, there's such a song by Corrine May, and Crystal Goh, where's my Corrine May CD? Haha, unless i forgot u returned it... Erhem!) coz they in fact mean well. Rather be glad that u have them caring for you. Argh, actually i'm pretty sure that u know that and u'll not get irritated, perhaps a little lar huh i guess. Plus i think this is the 2nd time i'm telling u this. Argh, why do i keep repeating myself? Haha! (So now u know my info is not from someone, erhem - unreliable as can be seen - but rather from my own experience)

As what u say... Breathe out and in, take and enjoy ur time and u'll be fine. So take care, stay cool as u are, be strong, enjoy your life and we love ya lots~ Muacks =)

Thursday, October 13, 2005

The Day

Well, let's start from 2 days ago...

We cooked again, whee~ Haha!

Chinese dried sausage with egg fried rice, Stir-fried spinach and honey-roasted chicken breast and thighs. Whee! And of coz, erhem... Leftover, haha!

Okay, i know the chicken is a little bit chao ta (burnt) but...

... doesn't this look great? Haha! (Are you salivating already?) But matthew took this picture just like one of those S11 display signs for foods, so i really take my hat off him. You're the man! Haha.

Whoo, isn't this great? We've got a guitarist playing music for us while we ate... Haha! And poor old sleeping beauty (matthew).

Tuesday was urgh...! We had PBLs on socio-effects on AIDS and confidentiality about this young woman who was homeless and did risky behaviour though she was aware of it. And one of the objectives was --> Define Risky behaviour... What the lar... This is seriously hard to find man. Haha! Went back for a quick pizza and strudel for dinner. They got burnt so i'm not going to place the pictures here.

Wednesday (eve) - Wednesday's are always good. Only had 2 hours of lectures today. Hehe, from 11 to 1. After that we went to this kebab restaurant for lunch. Wow, the portion was so much that i took away the balance and kept it for dinner. Hehe! And matthew was trying to illustrate how this guy Killa Kela could create musical instrument beats with his mouth. It was damn cool lar. Haha! We're going to go watch him at Fabric on 21st man =) And btw ppl, russell peters is performing next year in Sg, UK, and Australia, so take note! Hehe.

Had triathlon afer that. It was drizzling... So only 6 of us went. Ran to Golden Jubilee Bridge today. It was about 6km i think, shorter than the one we did last week, so i felt it was pretty much of a breeze. Hehe~ Could still sprint at the last part. Think i'm going to go to Westminster (7km one) next week and if i'm quite all right with it, i'll proceed to Lambeth Bridge (10km) next next week. Let's hope i can progress quickly =) Swims was good today. Regretted sprinting at the last part coz i could feel the cramp thingy creeping into my toes. So i had to be cautious while swimming, trying not to bend my toes and exerting too much. And i completed it! All in freestyle somemore. Couldn't even complete it last week when i mixed strokes due to the cramp. Haha, i'm so proud of myself.

Went back home by tube. As we came out of Mile End station and reached the junction, 3 fire engines were coming in all different directions and converged to Whitechapel Road. I was telling Arjun... "Oh, what coordination. Must be one of those false alarms at Pooley House again. And true enough, could see them signalling into the college. Wonder why they send so many fire engines from different stations when our hall has such a reputation for false alarms (at least once a week). Lol, no wonder the ppl get taxed 40% lol. Fire doors everywhere, ultra-sensitive smoke alarms, what more can u say man. Haha! Laughed at Katie, Diana and the rest coz just as i reached there, we could go in again. Lol!

Had egg mayo bread with my takeaway mixed doner for dinner. Trying to take as much meat and carbo to build up those winny pathetic muscles. Ahaha, maybel says she wants to change her body with me, i don't mind. And NO, i'm not implying u're fat girl. Haha! *Or maybe i am :p* But i wanna thank you girl, if not for you, i won't be inspired to push myself in running and stuff. And i'm so grateful that i'm having healthy meals now. Haha, don't worry ma, i'm eating healthy food here.

The bitch! called before tris... Then got her sis to talk to me coz jon called her on the other line. What the hell lar, how dedicated. And still say that i'm always the busy one who can't afford any time to talk to ya... Haha! But thanks for it girl, knew u were trying to get me all the way till Sg time 12 am. Thanks mom too for the erhem... Brief msg. Lol, and thanks for sending me my precious shirt and goggles. Gotta train and study hard man!

Quan Rung called at me at 1159 pm here. How sweet of you. Thanks for that and the card which i received on Monday, how sweet and nice of ya girl =) Hehe! Still made herself sound so good by telling me that it was her first msg of the month (her bill starts on the 13th) Lol. Left to do my laundry immediately after so that no one can look for me... Haha! And guess wat, i saw this all over the floor along my way out...

Haha, i'm so tempted to go. They've got this phrase "Thursday nights are never going to be the same". Wow, sounds cool. Never been to one before. Haha, and besides, the address no coincides with my age, and it's on later tonight on 13 Oct... Does this mean something? And there's a birthday package somemore. Lol! My only last chance before i turn 21 and have to start behaving more maturedly. Haha, oh well, better kick this dirty thing of mine. Don't want to spend my birthday going to these places either. Want to fully enjoy my life meaningfully. Whee~!

But back to the running away part, sometimes i really want to spend it with my really good friends even though there may not be many, maybe it's coz i got too many of a few hypocritical friends back in college lar huh. And maybe that's why i'm a little withdrawn. Haha! Came back and found a card from Aaron too. Thanks man, especially the last part: "Please don't forget my birthday. Want present." Haha, lol, okay i won't forget it. Only 8 days more man.

And thanks Jiahui, MO and 'someone' for the birthday msgs on my blog. Song too although u did not really wish and tried to show how pissed u were at me for not coming back this December. But really, i've only got 2 weeks. And besides i can't make it for my mom's graduation, so really no point already. Gotta save the money too, or else my dad will skin me!! Haha, but love ya all ppl. Thanks. And mo, remember to help me get the birthday of those ppl. Haha! And thanks to my 2nd ma too. Thought u forgot already and was planning to suan u on Saturday night. Haha, and besides, i can't really complain much. Going to get both roast chicken and baked rice from someone who hardly cooks so i really appreciate it =) No ice cream cake? You bake the cake and i'll get Sainsbury's 2 for 1 Magnum ice cream packs man. Haha! Okay, got ethics lecture tomorrow which Nick asked me to skip, but i'm a good boy, so i'll not. Nites to everyone and thanks very much. Let's see what my housemates have in store for me tmr...

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Dinner at Flat 37 Pooley House

Ryan dropped by today to transfer and exchange the oxford pictures... And he was late~!! Haha, but i don't blame him. And ma happened to drop by as well, after which Aaron joined us when we already had a 3-some going on :p... Nah, he dropped by coz he wanted to cook dinner with me.

So then we chatted about the course exams and stuff, as well as the books, and those guys just rattled book names off their mouths like nobody's business lar. Apparently, depending on the sizes of books, you could give age and sex to them as well. So for example, if you had Kumar & Clark Clinical Medicine, you could potentially have a baby kumar & clark(a smaller concise book) and a mama kumar & clark as well(the really really COMPLETE COLLECTOR'S EDITION). Wonder if they bring the smaller ones to the toilet and read and mug the big ones to turn themselves into einsteins lar. Don't know what kinda freaks those doctors are man. Then again... Better take back my word, haha! But according to Ryan, small one's good for bring to clinics and big ones... ...

After they left and Aaron and me went to cook our dinner, we got Diana and Katie to join us. Whee! What massive fun. Cooking is so fun, think i can become a cook already. Haha! But anyway, here are the pics:

Don't cook sauces for too long man~ They end up like a white pile of... erhem!

This looks more like it~ Haha! And the sauce goes with the veg later on...

There's the iron chef. Hehe! But actually, i only helped cook the ready-to-bake fish, cut the potatoes and heat up the baked beans only. Oh ya, not to forget, taking in and out the oven saucepans. Now Aaron has banned me from saying, "I didn't do anything much!" Lol!

Itadakimasu: Diana, Katie and Aaron(Flat 40 traitor... Lol!)

Our meal~ Yay! Doesn't it look finger-lickin-good! God, i'm disgusting (and i know that, haha)! Haha, yum yum!

Introducing the Special for today: Baked cod fish, white saucy vegetables, cheesey potato slices and baked beans. It's funny how sth so simple can taste so good~ Hehe, maybe when u cook it your own, it just tastes betta! Haha.

All right, gotta finish up on my pbl now, argh~ stupid HIV and AIDS, don't know why the first infected person was so kinky with the apes... ... :p But here are the other Oxford pictures from Diana's and Helen's cam. Shit, Diana's cam is the ultra slim Sony PowerShot 5.1 megapixels whereas mine's 5.0 =( But i can zoom. Hahaha!:

Ballioil College i think~ Shit, hope i the name and spelling right, don't want to incur the wrath of the students there.

Ryan (our senior), me and Aaron in front of a corner of the library and church school!

Christchurch College: Where the first Harry Porter was filmed. It cost 3 pounds to get in, so forget it! Haha. Cheapskate Singaporeans...

Don't know what this girl was thinking. Haha!

I love...

...the loos at the famous Oxford Ice Cream Shop man. Haha!

Punting (Put your long stick... erhem... into the water, stick it into the ground to push your boat along)!! Diana and Clarissa slacking while i punted with Ryan probably trying to control the boat direction and Aaron taking the photo i guess. Haha!

Shit, i think i look cool. Haha!

At least Clarissa said i can be a boatman now. Damn it, this is getting outta hand, i've got too many profressions already. Helen and Menaka asked if i was a photographer or medic, next thing i'm a cook and now a boatman :( Lol! Hope i don't go to the entertainment business :p (If you know what i mean - Russell Peters joke, haha!)

Shit, spent 1 hr blogging already. All rite, seriously, pbls time!

Shit, this has gotta be the last pic! Argh!! All of us had a great time punting as well enjoying the trip in Oxford though it rained =)


We've got this teacher who self-declared that he was a gay in one of his PBL sessions. And everyone knows it~ Haha!

Then one day, he was giving anatomical lessons to the dentists about some teeth structure lar. And apparently, there's this structure called a "Canaliculi" in it.

So then he asked one of his student a question, "What's the name of that structure in the teeth?"

"Can i lick you?"

Lol, and that's not the end of it lar. Guess what he said...


Wth lar. Haha, gotta sleep now. Having dim sum tomorrow with my cousin, jeff~ Whee! Hehe... Nites~

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Oxford Trip

Well, we were supposed to meet at 0745 outside my flat and go to the stn at 0800. Guess what? They knocked on my door 0750 and i was still asleep lar. Haha!
All rite, all i can say about the oxford trip today was it's really good~! Haha, don't be jealous guys, i'll post more =)

Menaka, Helen, Ryan, Clarissa, Aaron and Eric in front of Oxford Library (the round building)

Those guys under the bridge of Sigh... Haha, people who pass under it are supposed to heave a sigh after a day's of hard work. Haha, unlike u slackers!

Now i know my photography skills are good~ Haha! Now crystal will be saying what a show-off :p

My flat mate, Diana, and the wonderfully-cute me. Haha! All right, please don't ask me why i'm in total blue. Had only 5 mins to change~

What a 3-some... haha!

Don't know what those girls were thinking... But haha! What nice poses in front of a nice tree-house!

All rite, will post more pictures when i get them. Take care you guys. Love ya~

Everything there is to say

Shit, my legs are still stiff and pain lar. All maybel's fault... Haha~! I think a few more triathlons and I'll start to limp around more often :p

Was talking to my student mom, pei jia. She's quite a nice girl, 5 years older than me. Now Crystal and mo, i know what u all are thinking. Haha. Yar, but she's helped me quite a bit, like giving all of us notes and stuff, and never failing to help us whenever we got questions. And so, she's treating all of us to dinner at her place next Sunday. Whee~ And still got menu one wor~ Asked me if i wan roast chicken or baked rice. And so I said the one you'll less probably screw up in lar. Haha, okay i know i'm evil! But i didn't expect her to retort back: You guys are the guinea pigs. Lol, could never conjure that up.

But actually, am i quite different from the rest of the ppl in my year? As in i'm more quiet? Haha, Crystal stop laughing... At least that's what she thought lar. But actually come to think of it, what she said was kinda true. I think ever since I came back from UK the other time, i've really changed. Grown quieter, more of an introvert, and now blog. Lol.

Was talking to mo and the rest of the aunties from the vtc support group. They told me they were having chee cheong fan... Wth lar! I miss vtc, mo, crystal, vanessa, nancy, aunty julie, aunty elaine, mrs michael, mr tan, mr sim and blah blah and all the kids there lor. Ah and then of course there's my jiahui, song and steven. And song, not that i don't want to post my address in your blog okay? You're too popular, haha~ Don't want a whole army of ppl looking at this. Yar, i think she's right, i'm more of an introvert now. Haha. But seriously, do miss u guys.

Okay, i've only got 4 hours to sleep now. Going to oxford tomorrow. Will try to post some pictures down here. Take care u guys and love you lots... Muacks!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Okay I'm Back

All right, finally i'm back from a really long 'break'. Haha! Okay, not going to do a lot of changes to the blog layout until i've got more time.

Okays, some update... Into med school now which can be pretty stressful at times. Lots of self-learning that i'm not really used to, but slowly getting the hang of it. Oh I joined the BL Triathlon Team. Haha, i think i'm crazy. And i think i was the one responsible for tripping half of my flat's power sockets this morning. Sorry guys. Hee~

Anyways, not going to talk about studies and stuff now. Want to make this blog more interesting than maybel's and the bitch's! Had my 2nd triathlon training today. We went for a short warm-up run from St Barthlomew's Hospital to the river Thames bank, somewhere near London Bridge i think. There, we were supposed to split to 2 groups. The first one was a shorter run, while the 2nd was longer - to Westminter (Big Ben, London Eye site). I kinda told them i didn't really do swimming but running last week, coz i was late last week, missed out on the run and almost died during the swims lar. Haha. So there the captain goes asking who wants to go for the longer run. And surprisingly, no one raised up their hands. I was kinda stunned. Lol. So remembering what i said last week and thinking that the place could only be this far (gotta run along the bank past a few bridges before turning back), I raised up lor. And then the cap looked at me and said, "You're a brave man" and the rest just started laughing lar. I was like wth lar, is it going to be really that tough? Now what shit did i get myself into this time. Then there was this other japanese girl who was kinda like the vice-cap and she was supposed to lead the other group, but she joined us in the end.

So there the 3 of us went, running across those beautiful sights (now get jealous and get your asses here to come and visit me guys, haha) and stuff. The pace was kinda like a standard army 2.4 km run. And we went on and on... Before we reached Westminster bridge (the place to turn back), i was like panting quite badly already lar. And i could feel those stitches in my heart thingy coz of the heart problem. I was like shit, now how am i going to survive till the end. I don't know how, we crossed the turning point bridge, ran back, my heart was getting better and finally, my legs tired and eventually we reached St Paul's Cathedral and then back to the college Halls. Phew, i was like really shagged. This was the longest distance i've ran. But thank goodness, the cap was impressed by my suicidal efforts lar. It really feels good to be appreciated, so at least the effort paid off.

But shit, there were swims after that. It was split into 3 sections u could choose and i chose novice of course. Haha. Pools here are 25m long. So for novice, we were supposed to swim 8 laps for warm-up, 3 X 2laps 100% sprints with breaks and 3 X 8 laps 75% max with breaks and then 8 laps cool-down. I was swimming half breast - half free coz my breast (okay shit, phrased this wrongly) was better but my freestyle sucked after not being in the water for 7 years, and i needed to train it up. Somewhere after the sprints and into the 75% thingy, i had a cramp in my left leg, wth lar! (Now don't laugh Crystal...) Can't believe this problem is haunting me again. So then i went to stretch, showered with some warm water and went back in. And after a few more laps, i tried to push myself harder, and then my right leg. Argh!!! So screwed up my swimming session man. But i wasn't the only one lar, the vice-cap came out after me with a cramp as well, and so did the cap so i felt better with ppl in the same boat as well. Haha! Shit, i sound awfully evil, haha! And then we went to a pub to rehydrate ourselves... Got a treat from the cap, which of coz i'll pay him back next week and Blah blah! Shit, three paragraphs of tris training does not sound entertaining, which is what it is supposed to be lar.

For all that good stuff, actually, i kinda feel really bad and sad lar. My mom and aunt went back today. They came to my place just now to bring me four seasons duck rice (kinda like the best duck rice in london). We had lunch with my housemate and then i rushed down to the singapore society meeting right after, only saying goodbye to them. Didn't even give a hug to my mom knowing that i won't go see them off at the airport coz i had tris training in the evening. And i'm not going to see her for the next 9 months lar. And i feel really sad, don't know what kind of a son i am. I don't know if it's coz my housemate was there or wat or becoz i felt strong enough. But why is it i can say i love crys and not to my mom? Is it coz i don't love crys enough? Haha, all rite, chill it buddy, don't get too uptight. You know i love you =) I really feel like crying inside, but i won't coz i've gotta be strong and come back to give free treatment to u ppl in vtc as well as my friends lar. Haha. But whatever it is, i hope i'll somehow learn to tell ppl i love them.

Gotta bathe now